LOMARTOV successfully held the Innovation and Networking days on Battery Technologies and E-Vehicles

On May 17th, 18th and 19th 2022, the LOMARTOV team organized the Innovation and Networking days on Battery Technologies and E-Vehicles (EV) with the aim of promoting knowledge and innovation towards a greener value chain of the electromobility sector, addressing the main concerns and challenges with the participation of the principal actors involved in the value chain. They offered a cross-sectoral international conference by joining forces with the SPERTUS seminar, policymakers, researchers and companies in the field, joining a total of 55 people and 280 online attendees.

The workshop was shaped within the context of the i-HeCoBatt European Project (GA No. 824300, coordinated by CIDETEC Energy Storage technology and research center; the ASTRABAT project (GA No. 875029), coordinated by the Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA) and the Permanent Seminar on Energy Transition and Industry Competitiveness (SPERTUS) of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

The European Commission underlined the importance of the workshop, and actively supported this event by delivering keynote speeches by Mr. Guido Sacchetto (DG Research & Innovation – Unit C2) and Mr. James Copping (DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs – Mobility Unit). For her side, Mrs. María Empar Martínez Bonafé, General Director of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Generalitat Valenciana, highlighted her deep appreciation of the organization of this workshop as an exclusive chance of sharing know-how in situ, in one of the most inspirational regions in Spain and Europe in the field of electromobility and components as an example of good practices to follow. Other interesting presentations (which will be made available on the website of the event) focused on strategy and logistics, namely the required raw materials in the manufacture of future batteries, were key to open debate and stress the need for urgent future actions in the matter, aroused by the distinguished technologist Dr. Santiago Cuesta-López, representative of Spain as a member state in the European Alliance for Innovation in Raw Materials, and coordinator of the EU interregional efforts in the supply of strategic raw materials.

The national and international developments in the field of electric vehicles and batteries were outlined and presented by Mr. Mikel Arrinda, coordinator of the i-HeCobatt project, Dr. Óscar Miguel Crespo, Deputy Director at CIDETEC Energy Storage, Dr. Costanza Hermanin-Co-Founder & Chief of Public Affairs HYBA Ltd. and representative of the Swappable Batteries Motorcycle Consortium (SBMC), Dr. Sophie Mailley, Manager of European affairs for the CEA TECH REGION and Project coordinator of ASTRABAT, Dr. Pierre Woltmann, Development engineer HV batteries at AUDI, among other important attendants.

The workshop offered a unique opportunity for all research organisations, companies and policymakers taking part in the event to present new ideas, project results and concepts for innovative products. Furthermore, different topics ranging from green mobility, raw materials supply chain, circular economy to batteries recycling were discussed around several round tables exploring all the opportunities and challenges within the vehicles and batteries industry. Participants focused particularly on how batteries and components are disrupting the vehicles sector, industrial future trends and technological R&I for growth. The topic of present and future industrialisation challenges for green mobility was also equally debated, covering the whole value chain topics.

Additionally, this conference granted the opportunity for the attendants to exchange knowledge, discover other practices, network through and create potential consortia for future Horizon Europe projects. The conclusions and outstanding results of this knowledge exchange and brainstorming activities will be pointed out and gathered in the White paper on “Guiding the EU funding context towards enabling technologies for the successful deployment of e-mobility” that will be edited by LOMARTOV.

To conclude, the Innovation and Networking days on Battery Technologies and E-Vehicles (EV) was a huge success: the inspiring presentations combined with the proactive and dynamic audience allowed for conclusive discussion and enhanced new future cooperation. We look forward to our next fruitful and rousing event!

Consult the PRESS RELEASE document in PDF format here.

All photos, videos and presentations of the event are available using the following links:


Part of the event has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 824300 and under Grant Agreement No 875029.