The EU project “Sustain-a-Print” started in October 2022. LOMARTOV attended the Kick-off Meeting with the rest of the project team in Copenhagen, Denmark, on the 6-7 October 2022 hosted by the Danish Technological Institute (DTI). The consortium consists of 11 partners distributed across six European countries (Denmark, Greece, Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden)....Read More
On December 6th, the Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA) celebrated its 5th General Assembly. Over 120 participants joined the Assembly that took place in a hybrid format, both in Brussels and online. The event highlighted the main achievements of BEPA in 2022, including the finalisation of Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023/24, which will see around...Read More
Oh2pera is hiring a Postdoc researcher! A postdoctoral position is offered at The Research Institute of Advanced Materials at the University Jaume I (Institute of Advanced Materials, INAM), within the framework of the European project OHPERA of the European Innovation Council. The Oh2pera EU project is looking for a researcher with experience related to the synthesis...Read More
The EU project DARE2X “Decentralised Ammonia production from Renewable Energy utilising novel sorption-enhanced plasma catalytic Power-to-X technology” has officially started. Copenhagen (Denmark) – October 2022. The consortium of the new European-funded project DARE2X gathered for a two-day meeting on the 19th October 2022. The meeting took place in the Danish Technological Institute (DTI) facility, Denmark,...Read More
The EU project OHPERA – Optimised Halide Perovskite nanocrystalline based PhotoElectrolyser for clean, Robust, efficient and decentrAlised H2 production – has officially started. Barcelona (Spain) – October 2022. The consortium of the new European-funded project OHPERA gathered for its kick-off-meeting in Barcelona on the 27th of October 2022, to advance new research activities for the...Read More
Plastic is a preferred material for manufacturing high-volume consumer products and packaging thanks to its physical, mechanical, thermal and barrier properties. However, the existing global plastic industry is mainly petrochemical-based, bringing a negative environmental footprint. In line with this existing problem, the NENU2PHAR project aims to develop innovative, performant, and sustainable PHA-based plastic products, establishing...Read More
On October 13th and 14th, 2022 in Brussels, the second edition of the Battery and Innovation Days (BID2022) concluded with more than 250 participants participating live at the event plus more than 650 online to create a platform for discussion among the Research community, policy makers, industry players, and end-users by enabling to reach a...Read More
On September 20th, the kick-off meeting for the 4-year EU RESPECT project was held in Paris, France. The aim is to move towards a competitive and circular European battery ecosystem while highlighting green innovations in Li-ion batteries through recycling and recovering materials. The project will develop a systematic closed-loop yet the flexible process for...Read More
Despite public-use heavy-duty vehicles (waste collection, trucks, lorries, cranes, etc.) representing only 5% of vehicles, they contribute to 33% of the emissions produced within urban centres. Thus, the circulation of technologically obsolete heavy-duty vehicles adversely affects the cities’ quality of atmosphere throughout Europe. In this context, the LIFE CAT4HEAVY “Nano-catalysts for heavy duty applications” project...Read More
The Mediterranean diet is considered to be a healthy and highly nutritional solution, that unfortunately has lost attractiveness for youngsters in competition with the fast, easy to get and already prepared food. In contrast, there is an increasing trend among millennials and young population, that favours foods that are healthy, ethically, naturally sourced and less...Read More